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Poetry reading: Read My World International Literary Festival 2015 (Amsterdam)

Laksmi and twenty-nine other poets read their poetry and the poetry of others in one long stretch

Thirty poets including Laksmi will each recite three poems; two by their own hands and one by a foreign poet of their choice. They will perform in an unrelenting tempo, where no time is lost on introductions and announcements. Without ever breaking the spell, they follow each other – madcaps and mumblers, abstracts and anecdotes, juveniles and geriatrics: in two and a half hours. Should you get distracted, the next poet will grab your attention again. Experience for yourself how exciting, sophisticated, varied, and above all, how readable and listenable poetry really is.

After being introduced by Kadek Krishna Adidharma, the Indonesian curator, Laksmi will be reading excerpts from her novel, Amba (The Question of Red), joined by Seno Gumira Ajidarma and Dyah Merta, who will also be reading excerpts from their works.



Buiksloterweg 5C



17:00 – 21:00

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