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London Book Far 2019

Laksmi, Dee Lestari, John McGlynn and Tiffany Tsao discuss what’s next in Indonesian literature

Laksmi Pamuntjak, Dee Lestari, John H. McGlynn, Tiffany Tsao

Chair: Liza Danton

Club Room @ LBF


Book fair market focuses can play an important role in shining a spotlight on languages and counties underrepresented in the English-language publishing. But what comes next? How do these literary markets, and literature itself, react to a new global readership? This discussion will examine Indonesia, London Book Fair’s 2019 Market Focus and the Guest of Honor at the Frankfurt Book Fair in 2015. With readers globally reading Indonesian literature, how does that impact what writers, translators, and publishers are doing now? And what is the future of Indonesian literature?

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