Culinary Writing
As a passionate foodie and the author of the Jakarta Good Food Guide series as well as the culinary novel Aruna dan Lidahnya (The Birdwoman’s Palate), Laksmi has made a habit out of writing about her culinary travels around the world.
Her restaurant reviews and articles on food have also been published in various media.
Here is a selection of her culinary writing:
"Late Summer, 2013: 10 Days of Non-Stop Dining in NYC with my Daughter”
“’And Now There Was A Woman Called Austria’”: My Viennese Affair, 2014”
"Eating and Difference: A Tale of Two Cities"
"MY FOOD DIARY: Madura On My Mind"
"MY FOOD DIARY: The Curious Case of Medan”
“MY FOOD DIARY: Palembang: Of Pempeks and Pindang Patins”
“MY FOOD DIARY: In Search of Authentic Flavors In Surabaya”
“The Miele Guide: The Battle for The Most Democratic Restaurant Guide”
“Scrumptious Eats in South Jakarta”
“Of Bangers, Bagels and All-Day Brunches”
“Singapore: A Food Lover’s Gourmet Diary”
“After Conquering Bali, Chef Will Meyrick Lands in Jakarta to Open E&O Restaurant”
“Street Talking: Gourmet Guru Laksmi On Her Favourite Street Vendors in Jakarta"